Thrift Shop

We are pleased to announce
the re-opening of our Thrift Shop
for the Spring Season

Shop hours are currently set for
Wednesdays and Saturdays from 9am to 1pm.
We may have to adjust the schedule as we get into our routine but for now come, stop in, and have some fun.

Please note we are practicing safe-distancing and require facial coverings at this time.

Normally the Thrift Shop is generally open during most of our Church events and activities however due to the current coronavirus health issues  we will temporarily need to post our hours on our Facebook page [] on a regular basis.

Our shop has been reorganized and is enticing to shop in.  Take a few minutes to stop in and browse through the renovated layout of household items, Children, Woman’s and Men’s clothing along with a healthy dose of “oh wow!”.  The prices are reasonable and the quality is great.

So please check in regularly on our Facebook page for schedules.