
Ellingwood’s Corner
United Methodist Church

Winterport, Maine 04496

You have reached the Home of the
Ellingwood’s Corner United Methodist Church


We look forward to seeing you at one of our Worship Gatherings, Suppers or Bake Sale (Drive Throughs).   As we maneuver this pandemic we are looking forward to being able to resume some of our Community Activities which are oftentimes held on weekdays.

Check the Church Events page-link at the header at the top of this  page.
There you will find the details on dates and times and other information.

We look forward to seeing you soon.

Our History

Ellingwood Corner United Methodist Church has been in continual service to the the local Winterport Maine community since August 11,1897.  ECUMC is a community church with a lot of history.

On August 11, 1897, The Rimonton Epworth League of the Methodist Episcopal Church connected with
The Winterport Methodist Episcopal Church, Bucksport District, Eastern Maine Conference
and was hereby recognized as Chapter No. 17859 of The Methodist Episcopal Church.
     Our current Ellingwood Corner Location originally served as a Winterport schoolhouse.  The building and land was sold by the town to the congregation on May 4, 1900.  The original bell from that one room schoolhouse continues to ring out as our call to worship each Sunday morning!

Over the years there have been several addition added to the structure. The first was an addition of a compact fellowship hall with no indoor plumbing.
The second major expansion project completed in 2004 involved moving the original schoolhouse, the small fellowship hall with limited facilities to a new foundation towards the back of the property which allowed a parking lot and a secondary driveway for accessing the church, a new drilled well, indoor plumbing, a new septic system and  modern kitchen for improved facilities support.
As a result of that 2004 church expansion we enjoy the improved fellowship hall, great kitchen and bathroom facilities, as well as the addition of our Thrift Shop.  Our improved facilities enable us to serve God’s mission of service to our Winterport community and to the State of Maine and UMCOR in missions sharing.